We're here for authors and publishers

We’ll get your manuscript into the perfect condition for publishing as an eBook, paperback, or hardback book.

We’ll design an eye-catching cover that will ensure your book stands out.

We’ll use all our experience to guide you through the publishing process with ease. 

Over 10 years in business
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We've worked with more than 350 authors
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On over a thousand books
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Preparing Your Book for Publishing

We’re specialists in typesetting and eBook formatting, with many years of experience. We’ll take your manuscript, documents and image files, and get them in the perfect condition for publishing. Whether that’s to sell on Amazon, or to get printed yourself, we’ll make sure your book meets all the printers/retailers guidelines, is formatted consistently throughout, and looks fantastic.

And if you’re doing this for the first time, we’re here to explain how everything works, and guide you through the whole process.

Outstanding Book Cover Design

Readers WILL judge your book by its cover so make sure it has a design that you can be proud of.

We design covers for all kinds of books, and we won’t rest till we have a cover that you love!

If you're ready to get started, or just want to ask a question, get in touch now...